
Track Condition Monitoring

Physical Security Surveillance

Rockfall and Landslide monitoring

Catenary Flashover Localisation

Listening to railways

We pioneer the use of fiber optic vibration sensing to deliver railway insights across multiple disciplines. We monitor track condition, detect trespass and cable security events, and alert operators to natural hazards such as landslides or rock falls.

We create a digital twin / SonicTwin® of entire rail routes, to deliver unparalleled historical, actual and predictive railway information. Using standard, often pre-existing, fiber optic cables we enable railways to make better decisions.

Author Kavya Kerala Kumaran

Giant strides managing the tusk train interface
General Success Story Railway Security

2025-01-20 · Kavya Kerala Kumaran · 7min

We've been making giant strides in rolling out elephant security/intrusion detection for Indian Railways. See an update here

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Why use Sensonic fiber optic sensing?

Vibration based insights for Railways

  • 24/7 view of activities along your network
  • Detect issues early – Every train delivers data
  • Generate forecasts by combining live and historic data from the SonicTwin®
  • Simple and quick rollout: just power, internet and fiber optic cable.
Sensonic Applications Vibrations
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